The beloved BBC comedy Ghosts is returning as a film after its emotional series finale, exciting fans and cast alike.
London: So, guess what? Ghosts, that hilarious BBC show we all loved, is making a surprise comeback! It’s been over a year since it wrapped up, and now it’s getting a film adaptation.
According to a source, the film has officially been given the green light. How cool is that? The original cast, including Charlotte Ritchie and Kiell Smith-Bynoe, might be back to reprise their roles as Alison and Mike Cooper.
These two moved into a mansion filled with quirky ghosts, and it was such a fun ride. The buzz is that everyone involved is super excited about this new project.
One of the cast members, Lolly Adefope, who played Kitty, mentioned she’d love to jump back in. She said the show ended on a satisfying note, but if there’s a chance to return, she’s all in!
The series finale was quite the emotional rollercoaster. It showed the couple deciding to sell their haunted home to a hotel chain, ensuring their ghostly friends wouldn’t disrupt their new life with baby Mia.
In a sweet twist, we see them in their golden years, still hanging out with their ghost pals at the hotel. It’s a heartwarming wrap-up, but now we get to see what happens next on the big screen!